Damascus, Syria
23 – 25 May 2009
36th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC Meeting in Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic on 23 – 25 May 2009 – "For The Enhancement Of The Islamic Solidarity". During the session, the Council had adopted the resolutions from Information Affairs, on Granting the Organisation of the Islamic Conference-Computer Emergency Response Team (OIC-CERT) an Affiliated Institution Status. OIC-CERT is intended to promote voluntary collaboration amongst CERTs of OIC Member States and a cooperative effort to enhance Member States' CERT's capabilities. Through collaboration and cooperation, it is hoped that Member States could develop their own CERTs, free from any external influence.
13 - 14 January 2009
OIC-CERT 1ST Information Security Seminar 2009 with a theme of STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP AGAINST CYBER THREATS targeting ICT security professionals, policy makers, industry players and researchers from the OIC member countries. The event was officiated by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia, Dato' Abdul Hanan Alang Endut, on behalf of the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia, Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili.
A total of 303 participants attended the two-day seminar held on the 13 – 14 January 2009. 34 of the participants or 11 percent of them were overseas participants while the rest were locals (269 participants or 89%). 14 papers were presented by the representatives from the OIC-CERT member countries and information security professionals.
In conjunction with the Event, a hands-on course on Honeynet was held on 15 January 2009. Honeynet is basically a trap set to detect, deflect, or counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems. A total of 30 participants, both local and overseas, attended this hands-on course.
14 - 15 January 2009
The OIC-CERT 1st Annual General Meeting was hosted by CyberSecurity Malaysia and held on the 14 – 15 January 2009. 16 representatives from the OIC countries attended the meeting. Representatives from the OIC Secretariat Headquarters, Jeddah, Mr. Mohamed Abdulrahman Elbusefi and IDB, Mr. Mohd Takyuddin Yahya were also present. The event has indeed served as a foundation for further collaboration among the OIC member countries in the field of cyber security